Dear Sena,
Feeling inspired by a fellow momma blogger who writes to her daughter each month, I've decided to try and write you each month, marking your milestones, as well as your father and my milestones as we navigate parenthood.
On Monday, you turned 16 weeks, which is technically 4 months. (Although the doctor said that he'll call you four months on July 24th- just a technicality in my book.) This past month has been a big one for you. Papa went to Austin at the end of June for a friend's wedding and you rolled over while he was gone. It took you another week to roll over for him, but when you did, you did it twice and I think made his day. You now giggle- not just smiling when you fart- but an actual giggle. In fact, mama nearly gave herself a concussion the other day shaking her head over your bare belly, just to hear your contagious laugh. Your laugh warms my heart every single time.
We're trying to get you to sleep without your swaddle blanket, which as papa calls it, is essentially a straight jacket for babies. You are a pretty determined little gal, and are very good at getting out of the straight jacket, so we're trying to let you sleep unswaddled, which means you're getting up a lot more frequently. But, its all a lesson in parenting... once we figure out something that works we have to figure out a way to make it work better, or work differently.
You went swimming at Grandma Sheree's community pool this month, with your friend Will and his parents Juli & Chad. You were awfully cute in your pink ruffle swimsuit, and had no issues with the water spraying on your face. I can't wait to take you to swim lessons this fall.
And, your big milestone- you went on your first plane and train ride to California. We went and visited Bob, Jen and Danny in San Diego and you were a rock star on the plane. I couldn't have been more proud. Bob & Jen were thrilled to meet you, and even little Danny showered you with kisses. You slept through your first beach visit, but don't worry, we'll take you back again when you're old enough to cover yourself in sand, necessitating a plunge in the cold ocean. From San Diego, we went by train to Los Angeles. Thankfully, you were only 4 months and asleep because the day we rode the train was the Annual Mooning of the Amtrak (years from now you'll know what this means), but essentially mama and papa were quite entertained and grossed out at the same time. Great-grandpa Sam was THRILLED to meet you, and tried with all his might to get you to smile, which thankfully you did. I'm so glad that you're going to be able to grow-up knowing your grandparents and even your great-grandparents. I'm sad that my grandma Lucille you'll never know, but she's with you in spirit. She would have showered you with kisses and love, so I feel it is my duty to shower you with twice as many kisses, just to cover what you're missing from her.
Your great-aunt Bonnie taught you the Wheels on the Bus, which you loved, and great-aunt Linda (who has great taste) bought you outfits for next summer. I can't believe you'll ever be big enough to wear them. You even got to meet mama and papa's friends, Carrie & Andrew. Last time we saw them you were in mama's belly, kicking up a storm.
This month has been a big month for you,and for momma and papa too. We're learning that we need to make decisions for you (like when you go to bed), even though you want to make the decisions yourself. We're learning that nothing is the same anymore, everything is different, yet, better. We're learning that a bad day or morning can be immediately turned around by your smile, and that a good day can turn sour pretty quickly when you're upset or in pain. Thank you for the magical four months you've shared with us. We love you.