Friday, December 31, 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A photo (or photos)- no words - capturing moments from the week. Simple, special, extraordinary moments. Moments I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Letter to Noa Month 3

Well, unfortunately, I'm already behind in letters to you. New Year's Resolution is to stay on top of these!
Anyway, you and your sister have kept us quite busy. We just celebrated our first Christmas and Hanukkah with both of you and although you received quite a few darling gifts, I think your sister has a false idea of what the holidays will be like in the future—she was opening her gifts and yours! Next year I'm sure you'll show her who's boss.

Who's bigger? You or your stocking?

Two weeks ago we moved you into your own room. I thought you'd have a hard transition, but it seems you were like, "FINALLY!" I wonder if papa's snoring was waking you? Or all of our tossing and turning? Anyway, since you've moved into your room you've become the champ of nighttime sleepers. Last night you broke your record and slept 9 hours straight! (6:30-3:30!) I feel like a new woman, although by 3 pm this afternoon, I'll probably look like the exhausted mama that I am.

You are a very happy kiddo and have been filling our days with your smiles. You still don't like the swing or the bouncy seat, but are very content lying on the floor or on the changing table. And you love your sister. In the past two days the following occurred..

You were lying on the floor of Sena's room while I got Sena changed. I had to reach for something and turned my back and you started fussing. When I turned back around Sena was giving you a kiss- and you smiled. Ahh.

Then yesterday I was pumping milk for you, and when Sena realized she couldn't help me she started looking for something to do. You woke up from your brief nap in your car seat and Sena, on her own, marched into the living room, pulled up the blanket and handed you your pacifier. You both seemed so pleased with yourselves.

We are looking forward to 2011 and all of the milestones you'll be making. I really can't believe 3 months has passed already, and that in the next 3 months you'll probably be rolling over, laughing, sitting up, and eating solids!

we love you honey,

Monday, December 13, 2010

{this moment}

A little late, but none-the-less...
{this moment} - A (Monday!) ritual. A photo (or photos)- no words - capturing moments from the week. Simple, special, extraordinary moments. Moments I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Friday, December 3, 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A photo (or photos)- no words - capturing moments from the week. Simple, special, extraordinary moments. Moments I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Family

Yesterday, Sena was playing in the front room (which when we moved into the house we didn't know what we'd do with, and is now officially the PLAY room with a capital P). I was in the living room, trying to get Noa to take a nap (to no avail- if you're wondering). Sena comes running in and proudly exclaims, "I see the Happiest Family in the World!" Huh? I reply. (3 hours sleep, mind you.) She then has me go back to the playroom and shows me the new picture I framed of our family. Our family of four. And then she repeats herself, "the happiest family in the world." Love.

Friday, November 19, 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Friday, November 12, 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Friday, November 5, 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Say What?

Just yesterday- a conversation with Sena..

Sena was climbing up the tile stairs... looking behind her instead of in front of her.

Me: Sena, you make me nervous honey.
Sena continues up the stairs and runs into the kitchen.

Sena to me: I'm going to make you nervous.... BOO!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

For Christmas I'm going to be Zoe..

So, Sena REALLY got into the Halloween spirit this year and went as Abby Cadabby. For those of you without kids, this is Elmo's flying fairy friend on Sesame Street. But, you see, she also thought about being Zoe (another furry friend), and has thus decided she'll be Zoe for Christmas.

Here are a few pictures.

And eating her FIRST piece of candy..

Letter to Noa Month 1

Dear Noa,
Well, a month has passed. I'm a little in shock- as it was before- certain days are long but the entire month has really flown by. Your arrival has changed everything in this household and it is amazing how suddenly our family feels so complete. Seeing Sena watch you- and really you watch and listen to her. Just earlier this week, Sena was singing her familiar Dora tunes and I looked down at you to see you smile. It might have been gas, or the light in the window, but I'm going to attribute it to your love of your fabulous big sister.

For Halloween, you went trick or treating in the Moby. I bought you a cute ladybug outfit and then covered you in such a large piece of fabric that you could have been naked for all anyone knew. Oh well. The pictures were cute none-the-less.

>You've done really well with outings. We went to the pumpkin patch and to the Sunflower Farm with Sena and on both excursions you were patient and even slept. Car rides aren't really your favorite- and neither is nighttime sleep.. We're crossing our fingers this will change. Please honey?

Oh- and this is you...

And this is your sister.. Similar??


Friday, October 29, 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A photo [okay, I chose two] - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letter Month 30

Dear Sena,

I'm writing this letter while "wearing" your baby sister in hopes of keeping/getting her to sleep. You, on the other hand are soundly asleep.

The last month has been a sleepless blur for your papa and I as we adjust to life as a family of four and try to remember how to care for a newborn. (It's amazing how much you forget!) You've done so well with the transition, honey. You've watched with interest how we take care of Noa and even took your baby and sat in a little squishy ball last night to bounce her to sleep. Of course, you would like more one-on-one time with everyone, but since grandma Sheree has been here nearly every day we've been able to give you a lot of what you need. Only once in a while do you recommend that we put Noa down.

I know this is a huge shift in your world, yet looking back you may not remember a time when we were a family of three. Your papa and I will however. There are so many amazing moments we've had over the last 2 1/2 years- all of which led us to want to give you a sibling.. and have another child. We feel so incredibly blessed to have you- to watch you as you discover the world, as you learn how to communicate, and as you learn how to convey your needs. (You're pretty good at all of these things.) You are such a light in my day and in your papa's day. So, although this letter was meant to share with you and the world all of your amazing accomplishments this last month- the main one that we're enjoying is that you truly are the best Big Sister Noa could ask for.

We love you honey,

Friday, October 22, 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Friday, October 15, 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Saturday, October 9, 2010

And then there were four...

As most of you know, on Sunday morning, October 3rd, our beautiful daughter Noa Corinne made her appearance in the world. I did not have to be induced, and I had a 100% natural labor. It was the most intense 11 hours I've ever experienced (especially the last 90 minutes where we barely skated into the hospital..) and obviously incredibly worthwhile. Noa was 7 lbs. 7 oz. and 20 inches long- so smaller then Sena even though she was technically "late". I mean, what's late anyway?

The first few days, when we were in the hospital were tough, on everyone. Sena was confused and we missed her terribly.. but since we've been home it has been a pretty smooth transition. Sena has done remarkably well and clearly loves her baby sister. One morning when we had a doctor's appointment with Noa, Sena pretended to be pregnant and even "had her baby pop out of her belly." This morning she was "teaching" her how to drink her milk and her water. There are also moments where our heart just swells watching how loving she is. Noa was crying in the car and we told Sena it was because Noa was hungry. Sena said to Noa, "I'm sorry baby sister." We told Sena she didn't need to be sorry and she responded, "but I am."

On a more humorous or humbling note, we went to the farm on Thursday (with four-day-old Noa and Sena). I went to the stand with Sena and the gal who has seen me swell with this pregnancy didn't realize I wasn't pregnant anymore:
Farm gal: The apple cider isn't pasteurized- just so you know.
Me: Okay.
Farm gal: I thought you'd want to know since you're pregnant and all.
Me: Oh, actually, I'm not pregnant anymore. (GEEZ, DO I REALLY LOOK THAT BIG?) My daughter was born on Sunday. She's in the car.
Farm gal, clearly embarrassed: Oh! Can I see her?

Here are a few pictures of the last week..

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 1st

Well today is the day I thought this baby might arrive, although I kind of forgot about it until recently. I'm only two days "overdue" but feeling much more anxious as each day comes and goes. I'm not horribly uncomfortable but I am very tired, and wonder each day as I have pseudo-contractions if this is going to be "it." Anyway, if anyone has any guesses as to when baby wants to arrive feel free to share. Hopefully before Monday?

Friday, September 24, 2010

39 weeks, 3 days. Who's counting?

Not me of course.

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. via SouleMama

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pregnancy belly...

We're looking at 38 weeks now. These photos were taken about a month ago, so you can only imagine what size I am now! Anyway, a few favorites..

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Umm, Month Blur?

Dear Sena,
I'm sorry that your last post didn't get posted, but it hasn't been for a lack of activity around here. In fact, it is the amount of activity we're trying to pack into these last few weeks that has made relatively simple tasks, like updating the blog, difficult.

Needless to say, it has been a pretty big month for you overall. We took you to your 2nd Folks Fest in August, with Will, Juli, and Chad, and although we definitely listened to less music than the previous year, I think you enjoyed it more. Your pregnant mama, however was relatively uncomfortable unfortunately. Next year will be a new surprise. You'll want to be there and who knows what your lil' sister will be doing.

We finished your room and your baby sister's room complete with wall decals (stickers) that you so thoughtfully placed throughout the room. You seemed to really enjoy helping and it was fun to see your delight when it was finished.

And, drumroll.. you started preschool last week. Oh, the emotions! You've done so well with school honey; mama is having a tougher time, but I'll get through it. Don't worry about me. I never thought I'd have a hard time taking you to school, but when I leave the number of emotions I'm going through—from sadness to feeling proud at how "independent" you are— (not to mention my pregnancy hormones) causes me to have tiny breakdowns each time. (Just tiny ones.) You still haven't really interacted with the other children, mostly the teachers, but I've been assured many times over that this is normal for your age.

First day of preschool.

We only have 2 weeks left until baby sister (Orange) is expected to arrive. I'm scared, excited, and mostly overwhelmed with emotion. I can't wait to see you as a big sister. And your little sister will adore you, even if you only will call her Orange.
love you,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Trip to the Mtns- Year 3

Here are a few pictures of our recent visit to the mountains.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Month 28

Dear Sena,
Clearly, I'm getting tardier and tardier with my posts. It has nothing to do with lack of inspiration or stories to tell, but more to do with the state of our household and life right now.. which I know is only going to get crazier.

You're quite aware that your baby sister is coming. You seem excited and also more attached to me lately, which is so sweet yet so hard when the tears come when mama has to go. I try and tell you that I'll always come back- and I will- but when the fat tears are rolling down your face, its hard to not just stay. And really that's all I want to do. Work, shmork, right?

Just this morning at your gymnastics class another mama asked you if you were having a baby brother or sister. You replied, "Baby sister." She then turned to me and asked me if we had any names yet (um, no, we named you just a few hours before we left the hospital!). Before I could reply, you replied for me, "baby sister's name is orange." Hmm.

The little person you've become brings me such joy and such laughter. Your father was trying to help you with dressing/undressing your dolls (your favorite thing to do), and you were frustrated that Rainbow Brite's clothes wouldn't come off. (You have Rainbow Brite, courtesy of Grandma Montana who clearly keeps WAY too much- these dolls were mine- and look like they are 25+ years old. Yikes.) Papa finally said to you, "Honey, I'm afraid they won't come off." You replied, "I'm afraid they will." Determined girl you are.

Adventures this last month include a trip to the mountains to celebrate mama and papa's birthdays, which was full of hiking (as much as a 31-week-pregnant mama can do), eating, ice cream, eating, and trying to play bocce ball. (Mama, these are heavy!) We had a wonderful visit, and you wowed everyone with your style.

We also went to the Boulder County Fair with Juli & Will. You both were mostly smitten with the tractors—nope, not the cows, sheep, goats, or chickens, but the tractors. Lesson learned.

I love you honey. I know there are a lot of changes underway, and I know that some of them will be quite difficult at first, but I love you more than you'll ever know. And I'll do my best to make everything as easy as possible for you.