Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Letter Month 22

Dear Sena,

I'm sorry honey that this is so late. Time just seems to fly by, especially when you're so busy that when I get a moment of downtime I don't even know what to do with myself.

So, this month is going to be more of a pictorial of the last month. You've had a very fun month, getting your first big girl haircut... which didn't go badly at all. You were pretty excited to drive the car (although from these pictures you can't tell), and hardly noticed you were getting your hair cut. You didn't really make a big deal of it until we got home and you started shaking your head side to side, feeling your hair hit your face. You thought that was pretty cool.

You've really been amping up your vocabulary to the point where you're generally saying complete sentences.. and really SPEAKING your mind. The funny thing is that your expanding vocabulary has made it quite obvious the words your father and I say on a regular basis, including (from me): seriously? really? Yes, you now say these two words quite often- not really in context however. "Really" means "double yes" to you.. which is quite comical.
You: Go outside and play in rocks.
Me: It's too cold.
You: Really. Go outside.
Me: Really? It's too cold!

Two has come early in our household, but we're doing our best to embrace it. We love you honey.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help Haiti

It is difficult to watch the news and feel so powerless, especially when we're all warm and comfortable in our heated homes. It is incredibly frustrating to see all of the debris from the Haitian earthquake, the debris that covers those that are still living, and know that if they only had more money and more equipment those people would have a greater chance of survival.

It's easy to freeze when we see such tragedy. So far away, what can we do? I turned to this blogger who recommends six things to help Haiti, including learning more about their culture (and poverty) to begin with.

I also send my love and prayers to my friend Molly who is in Haiti now. I know she is safe, but I know her heart breaks for those she has lost.


So, I have a not-so-secret envy of all of my friends, and even women I don't know who are crafty. I aspire to be crafty, but don't know how to sew, knit, quilt, or really make anything other than cookies from scratch! I do hope to someday tap into this crafty side, sewing, creating, and knitting in all of my free time! (Right, when is that again?) But seriously, one of my girlfriend's has time to sew while being a mama of a 4-year-old and a 6-month-old. The other found time to sew her kids a tent for the holidays (again with two kids in tow), and while I bought everyone's holiday gifts this year, Juli made Sena a beautiful apron, and Jessica made this gorgeous quilt. We love it. And, I'm envious.. of all of these amazing women!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


For the holidays we packed up and went up to Keystone for the weekend. We had such a wonderful time trying to stay warm, but did manage to go snowshoeing, enjoyed delicious meals and of course the time with Grandma and Grandpa Montana!

Papa & Sena

This entire display was made out of chocolate- presents, tree, and even the train.

What a diva. Talking on her "hello" and looking in her purse.

Resting with Grandpa.

In front of the chocolate display with mama.

We took this picture because of the ice sleigh, but we situated our selves in
such a way you can't even see it.

Grandpa, papa and Sena.
First snowshoe trip. Asleep the entire time. (Note hat pressed against papa's neck.)

Bundled up and ready to go..