Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Letter Month Nine

Dear Sena,
What a whirlwind the last week- and month- have been. You just celebrate your first holidays (both Hanukkah and Christmas) with both sets of grandparents, which didn't appear to be as overwhelming to you as it was to me. Thank goodness. Your favorites of the holidays appeared to be shiny bows, giant boxes, and the lights of the Menorah. Your least favorite? Your afternoon nap. Evidently, nine-months is when you can decide for yourself if your tired or not.

At the doctor's office this month, he told us you can eat what mama and papa are eating, specifically mentioning salsa to your father's delight. But your overly-cautious mama hasn't ventured that far yet. Since your doc's visit, I've added beans and cauliflower to your diet. (A recipe for gas? Sorry about that!) I promise that this week we'll try some pasta with tomato sauce and perhaps even salmon. I'm not sure why I'm so hesitant to break out of the pureed foods and give you more chewable foods. You've made it quite clear that you know how to cough- and in fact you think it is quite funny. (It wasn't that long ago that your papa's cough, however, would be a cause for some pretty big tears.)

Outings are even more fun these days. You love to go outside and see everything, whether it be on a walk, or standing in a long line shopping for last minute holiday gifts. Your patience must come from some distant relative that I've never met. Or, I suppose, your grandma Sheree. You love the weather- and for some reason- love the wind. It makes you kick and smile with glee. Again, I'm not sure where you get this from, as wind is the one weather phenomenon that your father and I both think is the major downfall of Colorado, which is otherwise a pretty perfect state.

You have NO interest in crawling. The books say babies crawl anytime between 6 and 10 months, but I'm pretty sure you're going to skip crawling (hey, its for babies, right?), and go straight to walking. You prefer walking and standing so much that we went and purchased your first pair of kicks. Stylish, huh?

Looking forward to all of the adventures we'll have in 2009. Here are some more pictures.

love you,

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Letter Month Eight

Dear Sena,
I promise that I will be less tardy in the future. I do realize that you officially turned eight months on Monday, which was a very exciting milestone.

In the last two weeks, you've cut a few more teeth, but because you won't let us really "see" in there we're not sure how many are coming through. We do know, however, that they are not in the center, so it appears you're going to have a nice toothy-gap for awhile. You enjoy placing your new favorite food, "O's", (aka cheerios without the sugar) in between your teeth and smiling. Yes, it is quite endearing.

Food is still an adventure for you and your repertoire is quickly growing. In fact, I'm certain on most days of the week you eat better than your parents combined. That's love.

One of your other favorites is seeing pictures (mostly of yourself) around the house. You squeal with delight whenever we pass one of these pictures, and kick as if you're about to do a jig. Speaking of dancing. You love it. I had said in my pregnancy journal, which I was reading back through the other day, that you were quite the dancer and apparently you were not just a dancer in utero. The other day I took you to Nordstrom Rack (to buy a johnny jumper that you don't seem to like but that's another story) and an old seventies tune came on and you started kicking like you were on stage. I guess you do have a little bit of your mother in you. The best part about you liking dance so much is that I can dance as funny as I want, and you think it is the best thing in the world. I wonder how long that will last.

Ahh... now for the embarrassing updates. You found a new noise this month- grunting. Yes, you sound like you're pooping, but you're not. You're just having fun. And you think this is an even more exciting thing to do in public. When one of us is holding you and can't do anything other than smile at the onlookers who think our daughter must be constipated. I told your papa that we should do this to you when you're a teenager... just follow you around the store, grunting. And he very quickly reminded me if we were to do such a thing that you would never speak to us again.

One last delight of the month. We took you to the toy store to look for holiday gifts for you and your friends. (I do realize this is probably the last year we can take you to a toy store without you throwing a fit over toys you can't have, so I figured we should enjoy this time.) Anyway, papa was carrying you around the store and every time you saw an interesting toy you'd shriek in delight. Yes, shriek. So, we decided we'd buy you the toy (within reason of course.. ) that you found to be the most interesting. And guess what? You picked out an Ugly Doll. I mean the UGLIEST DOLL in the store (aptly named ugly doll). It basically is a gray, stuffed animal without eyes. Yes, it is hideous. I was convinced we could at least persuade you to have a more colorful ugly doll, so I placed a few options, including purple in front of you, and you still wanted the gray one. So, we left the toy store with the ugliest stuffed animal and when everyone on Christmas morning wonders why we picked out such an ugly doll, we'll let them know that you actually chose it yourself. I guess that's what we get when we let an 8-month-old pick out her gifts. I can only imagine what outfit you'd put on if we let you choose.

It has been getting cold here, which means more layers for you. (Although as I write this it is 60 + outside.. got to love Colorado.) You don't like your mittens, but you seem to endure your winter coat. You look like such a ski bum. Your grandma Deborah would be proud.

Every month I'm amazed at how much you've grown, and how interested and aware you are of everything going on around you. You continue to captivate me, and fill my heart with such joy. I love you.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

A few more pics

The Great Pumpkin

Sena celebrated her first Halloween as a pumpkin. While she didn't seem to think the costume was all that fun (especially since it was nearly 80 degrees on Halloween), we thought she filled the role quite well. Her buddy, Will, was a Monkey and came over for dinner with his parents.

Although Sena didn't get to go trick or' treating, or even see one trick or treater for that matter (she was in bed at 6), we think her first Halloween was a success. Hey, next year we might have to deal with the whole "I want to eat the candy" bit... or maybe that won't happen til she's 2. Who knows. With her mama and papa's genes, she could be asking for candy shortly after she learns to say mama and papa.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Such a little girl

pictures speak louder than words.

Letter Month 7

Dear Sena,
I'm not sure how you came to be seven months old already. But here you are. Eating up a storm, smiling, and showing more and more personality every day.

Fall is officially here, and we've been able to get out and enjoy the fall colors. You seem to find your walks a bit more entertaining these days; I'm sure you like my narration of everything that's going on, too. (I can see it already, "Mom, I see the birds myself. You don't have to tell me every detail as if I wasn't here!") Since the weather has turned a bit cooler, we've pulled out your "winter" wear. Please note: Although all of your coats have little ears on them we did not do this on purpose. It truly is just a marketing ploy.

These photos were taken in our backyard...

Oh, joyous food. After only a few weeks of uncertainty, you seem to have adapted to your new job—eating solids—quite well. Favorites? Peaches for sure. Unfortunately, I only made you a few peaches from our farm share this year (yes, as bad parents we ate the rest), and am now scrambling to figure out how to get you organic peaches (not from Mexico) in the middle of the winter. Hmm. Otherwise, you like sweet potatoes, squash, pears, and even tofu! Over the next month, we're hoping to introduce you to peas, carrots (again), potatoes, and yogurt. You're absolutely hilarious when it comes time to eat. For the most part you're very serious about eating.. not allowing whomever is feeding you a moment to pause between bites or you're "eh,eh,eh-ing" at us, which we've come to assume means "more, please." We're trying sign language with you, but I'm not sure that I'm teaching you much other than how to make a bigger mess with your hands after they're full of pureed food.

Grandma Sheree bought you a Cowboy's cheerleader outfit (size 12 months), that you're already fitting in quite nicely, so you've been wearing it on Sunday's while you watch football with papa and grandpa. (This is the only day we allow t.v.- we have our limits!)

You love to dance, or to watch us dance in front of you. Oh, how I wish I could know what you were thinking. It cracks me up to think that right now our dancing is the funniest thing in the world, but in just a few years it will be cause for hiding your face in your hands. Oh, parents.

You've been playing with your friends Will, Tristan, William, Natalie, and Reed every week or so, and see Will quite often as his mommy, Juli and me try to find every opportunity we can to get out of the house and explore with you two in tow. The picture here was after an afternoon of shopping with Juli and mama. I think we may have shopped too long; you and Will just konked out on the way home.

Finally, we've pulled out the pack n'play for you to play in while we try to make dinner, go to the bathroom, blow our noses, etc. We figure that its better to try this now than when you're older and really think we're putting you in jail. Thus far, no attempts to break out. In fact, you seem to think it's pretty funny being in there. You're always so delighted when we pop our faces above you. "Ahh, there you are!" I love this photo. You've got bedhead and such attitude. We love you.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Hey, Hey, Hey

This weekend our friends' John & Lauren held their wedding reception at Red Rocks, which was a pretty stellar venue if I say so myself. Anyway, kiddos were invited, so we dressed miss Sena up in her little blue dress with some tights and headed down there. She did wonderfully, and we got quite a few great photos of the family, and of course Sena.

Afterward, we looked at the clock and figured that she'd probably end up taking her nap en route home, so since we were going to be in the car anyway, why not take a trip up into the mountains to see the Aspen's changing colors? Great idea- right? She napped pretty much until we got to the top of the peak and then woke up. Temporarily, she was happy, and then it became quite evident that it was time to, uhh, grunt her way through a bowel movement. Hoping it would stay contained (and feeling lazy), we decided to take a different route and start heading home. About five minutes on this new road, Sena began to really let us know she wasn't happy- it was either her diaper, or her growling belly- but she was saying 'ENOUGH ALREADY MAMA AND PAPA. STOP THE $#$% CAR!' Well, at this point we got stopped alright- by a train passing, which gave me time to check her out, and her tights were barely containing her lovely poo. As soon as we could, we pulled over. Where were we? Not sure. Signs everywhere said, "No dumping," though. Ironic. Steven climbed into the backseat and proclaimed, "Shit!" And, I said, "What?" And, he replied, "There's shit everywhere!" And, sure enough it was down her back, over her leg, and on Steven. It took us awhile, but we finally figured out where to change her in the car- in the front seat. (Yes, she's six months old and has never to my recollection been changed in the car.) But, this plan quickly backfired as our seats are slightly bucket-style, and she kept rolling toward the back, which just happened to be toward the poo. At this point, we're laughing, and Sena is looking at us like, "Seriously? You guys are this slow?" She never cried, just let us take our stupid time while she was probably freezing a bit in the alpine weather.

After finally getting her changed, I moved to the back to feed her and Steven moved to the front. When Sena was finished and she realized her papa was in the front seat, she was pretty pleased...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Please Show Me How to Puree!

So, as a mama in midst of product recalls and contaminations, I'm very set on making Sena her own baby food. I did buy a few Earth's Best Organics jars to have her "taste test" different foods before I go to the trouble to make an entire batch. However, I'm running into this lovely problem- ALREADY- that she doesn't want my cooking! She seemed to love carrots yesterday (Earth's Best), but today she didn't want mama-made carrots. She was gagging in fact. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I mean, how difficult can it really be to puree something. If any mama's are reading this, please let me know your suggestions! I have batches of apples to make.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letter Month Six

I can't believe you're 1/2 year already. Although the first few months seemed to sometimes go pretty slowly, especially when we weren't sleeping, the last few seem to have flown by with a speed I'm not very comfortable with.

At your six month appointment yesterday, the doctor confirmed what we already knew- that you're perfect. He also told us that you're 17 lbs. 4 oz, which puts you the 75% for weight. (No offense, but we all had guessed you to be much bigger than this, especially papa who weighed in at 18lbs.8 oz.!) You're still tall at 27 inches long (I guess we can thank great-grandpa Schermer for those tall genes.)

This morning we added sweet potatoes to your morning breakfast. When it was mixed with your rice cereal you seemed to really dig it. By itself, however, you kept making faces like the sweet potatoes were tart! Hmm.. if you think SWEET potatoes are tart I'm not sure what you're going to think of mama's homemade green beans. I guess we'll find out soon.

As we approach and pass this half-way mark around the sun, I have to thank you for being such a delightful baby. (And give papa and me a pat on the back for coming so far in our "parenting" skills!) There are certainly days that are tougher than others.. just this past Sunday you decided that one morning nap (that ended at 10 a.m. mind you) was sufficient for your daily rest, despite the fact that you were SUPER CRANKY. It is amazing, however, to watch you as you learn and process everything going on around you. You've recently become very interested in the following:
• watching the dogs do anything, and letting them lick you. You've also decided to try and pet them, and put your hand in Cash's mouth the other day. Thank GOD we have good dogs.
• grabbing anything and everything. You're especially interested in the newspaper, and whatever we're eating. Remote controls seem to strike your fancy, too.
• Water... running in the sink, running over you, etc. I'm hoping you'll be a water baby. Time for swim lessons soon!

You still have no interest in being on your belly, despite all of the toys and props. The doctor did assure us, however, that "crawling is no longer seen as a developmental milestone." I suppose that's good, although you're too young to crawl. Actually, you're too young to be interested in standing and walking, too, in my opinion, but you seem pretty convinced that you should walk before we get the house child-proofed. What fun.

love you,

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

bedhead & cereal face

Since returning home from our trip to Montana, we've transitioned Sena to her own room and crib, and apparently she loves it. Maybe she grew sick of trying to sleep in the room with us and with her papa snoring...She's taking longer naps, sleeping even longer through the night (12 hours last night), and even putting herself to sleep. She wakes up in the morning with the most serious case of bedhead though. It's a riot. I'm not sure if it is because she's sleeping more soundly or if the sheets are somehow causing this new hair-do.

This morning she woke-up at 6 a.m. and didn't seem all that interested in going back to sleep, so considering we were all awake we figured everyone should get to have breakfast- Sena included. So we mixed up her first batch of cereal. At first she seemed to really dig it, opening her mouth each time the spoon came near her. But then she realized that she could probably do a better job herself and took the spoon. It made it to her mouth several times, but not once with the cereal still on top. What a big girl.

Monday, September 15, 2008

feeling chatty

Right now I'm listening to Sena talk to herself. She's supposed to be going to sleep, and I'm sure in a few minutes she'll realize that I'm not there and cry, but for now, hearing her chat is pretty funny and sweet.

This past week, I didn't to hear her talk or laugh as much as she usually does because she was sick. For the first time in her life. And, not for the 3-5 days the doctor predicted- for 10 days. I was heartbroken. I finally understand what Steven must have felt like in the delivery room when I was in pain and he could do NOTHING about it. Sena couldn't even tell me what hurt.. and for all I knew she hurt everywhere. Everytime she cried I wanted to break down and call the doctor. And everytime they told me what the REALLY BAD WARNING SIGNS would be, and of course, thank God, she didn't have them. But that didn't mean she wasn't sick, or feeling bad.. and going even one hour without seeing her smile is hard enough- but several days is just plain hell.

Anyway, that's why I'm listening to her talk right now and not feeling frustrated that she "should be asleep". She'll eventually go to sleep. This I've learned. And, her voice is too precious to ever be quieted. At least right now.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Letter Month Five

Dear Sena,

Due to your erratic nap schedule, I'm two days behind in posting this letter to you. I know, I would rather spend time with you than writing this blog, but you're growing up so fast that I want to be sure I record all of your moments.

This last month you've cut two teeth that show-up each time you smile, and you've almost learned to sit on your own. This seems really early to me, but probably not to you. I can tell you get frustrated when you see your buddy Will sit-up all by himself while you lie on the floor and stare up at him.

Speaking of Will, Will's mama, Juli and I decided to carpool over to the playgroup this past week, putting the two of you in the back of the little Honda. We thought you might entertain one another. Not quite. Will could see you, but you couldn't see him and were pretty content none-the-less playing with your butterflies (thanks grandma Sheree!) The trip home was a different matter, however, as the two of you took turns yelling at Juli & I, questioning why we kept you at Tristan's house for so long. (We blame Tristan's mama, Tara, for this mistake- she made fabulous watermelon margaritas. Some day you'll understand.)

Unfortunately, this past month also contained the first night that I had to be away from you. I went to Denver to help Jessica celebrate her upcoming wedding, while papa stayed home and took care of you. Of course he did a wonderful job, but I wanted to be home with you. I'm glad I was able to help Jessica celebrate, but at the same time, I didn't want to miss even one night of putting you to sleep, kissing you good night, and seeing your beautiful smile in the morning. Everyone keeps asking when I'm going to start traveling more for work, especially since my "work travel" is to visit spas. But to be honest, despite my affinity and love of massages, I'd rather bounce you to sleep and wake-up and see your smile- even if it is at 5:45 a.m. like it was this morning.

This next month promises to be a big one. In a week, you and I are going to take our first plane trip without papa to Montana to see grandpa and grandma Scott. And, when we return, we plan on giving you a taste of REAL (aka mashed to a pulp) food. As always, every day is an adventure. Each day that you learn how to do something on your own you move one step closer to independence, and although I'm very proud of you, I also just want to keep you protected and in my arms forever.
love you,

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I love Toys!!!!

So, considering that my daughter is an active thing, I finally sprung for an exersaucer. After pulling the contraption out of the box, I think Steven was secretly cursing me for buying such an obnoxious, colorful, in-your-face toy for our nearly 5-month-old daughter. Wouldn't there be plenty of time in the next few years for these things? But, alas. She loves it. The pics here prove it.

First Trip to the Mountains

For Steven and my birthday's we packed up the car and headed up to Vail, for Sena's first spa vacation. And, like her mother, she loved it. She was all smiles for most of the trip, loved dining at 4-star restaurants (as long as they were outside and let her have her butterflies to chew on), and hiked every day with mama and papa. Papa did the work though.

Here are some pics from the trip.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Letter: Month Four

Dear Sena,
Feeling inspired by a fellow momma blogger who writes to her daughter each month, I've decided to try and write you each month, marking your milestones, as well as your father and my milestones as we navigate parenthood.

On Monday, you turned 16 weeks, which is technically 4 months. (Although the doctor said that he'll call you four months on July 24th- just a technicality in my book.) This past month has been a big one for you. Papa went to Austin at the end of June for a friend's wedding and you rolled over while he was gone. It took you another week to roll over for him, but when you did, you did it twice and I think made his day. You now giggle- not just smiling when you fart- but an actual giggle. In fact, mama nearly gave herself a concussion the other day shaking her head over your bare belly, just to hear your contagious laugh. Your laugh warms my heart every single time.

We're trying to get you to sleep without your swaddle blanket, which as papa calls it, is essentially a straight jacket for babies. You are a pretty determined little gal, and are very good at getting out of the straight jacket, so we're trying to let you sleep unswaddled, which means you're getting up a lot more frequently. But, its all a lesson in parenting... once we figure out something that works we have to figure out a way to make it work better, or work differently.

You went swimming at Grandma Sheree's community pool this month, with your friend Will and his parents Juli & Chad. You were awfully cute in your pink ruffle swimsuit, and had no issues with the water spraying on your face. I can't wait to take you to swim lessons this fall.

And, your big milestone- you went on your first plane and train ride to California. We went and visited Bob, Jen and Danny in San Diego and you were a rock star on the plane. I couldn't have been more proud. Bob & Jen were thrilled to meet you, and even little Danny showered you with kisses. You slept through your first beach visit, but don't worry, we'll take you back again when you're old enough to cover yourself in sand, necessitating a plunge in the cold ocean. From San Diego, we went by train to Los Angeles. Thankfully, you were only 4 months and asleep because the day we rode the train was the Annual Mooning of the Amtrak (years from now you'll know what this means), but essentially mama and papa were quite entertained and grossed out at the same time. Great-grandpa Sam was THRILLED to meet you, and tried with all his might to get you to smile, which thankfully you did. I'm so glad that you're going to be able to grow-up knowing your grandparents and even your great-grandparents. I'm sad that my grandma Lucille you'll never know, but she's with you in spirit. She would have showered you with kisses and love, so I feel it is my duty to shower you with twice as many kisses, just to cover what you're missing from her.

Your great-aunt Bonnie taught you the Wheels on the Bus, which you loved, and great-aunt Linda (who has great taste) bought you outfits for next summer. I can't believe you'll ever be big enough to wear them. You even got to meet mama and papa's friends, Carrie & Andrew. Last time we saw them you were in mama's belly, kicking up a storm.

This month has been a big month for you,and for momma and papa too. We're learning that we need to make decisions for you (like when you go to bed), even though you want to make the decisions yourself. We're learning that nothing is the same anymore, everything is different, yet, better. We're learning that a bad day or morning can be immediately turned around by your smile, and that a good day can turn sour pretty quickly when you're upset or in pain. Thank you for the magical four months you've shared with us. We love you.