On March 24th, 2008, Steven and I welcomed our new baby girl into the world and after two days named her Sena Luren Williams. Sena is a family name from Steven's side, and Luren is after my grandmother Lucille, who I miss dearly every day.
For those of you who'd like the recap of our labor journey, here goes.. to the best of my recollection!
On March 23rd- Sena's due date- I thought my water broke around 630 a.m. We called our doula, and she told us that we'd need to find out if it did because if it did we'd need to have Sena within a certain amount of time due to infection concerns. I started having very mild contractions that afternoon and we went to the hospital around 3. It didn't seem quite right to be able to walk into the hospital for what might be my labor. We spent the next three hours there, walking the halls, etc., and eventually they discharged me saying they couldn't verify my water had broke.
We got home around 7 p.m and Steven's folks came over with dinner. By this time, I was having contractions every 10 minutes or so- and they were increasing in intensity. Around 9 p.m. we decided to go to bed, but I couldn't sleep. Everything was getting much more intense... Steven woke up around 1030 to find his wife curled up in pain, and we knew that this was going to be the real deal. At 12:45 a.m., I felt a gush of water, but was concerned that it wasn't my water breaking and that I was just peeing my pants! Contractions continued to get stronger, and more frequent- about 3 minutes apart- and I kept leaking fluid. Steven started a load of laundry because I was running out of underwear and pants and needed something to wear to get to the hospital!
Steven called our doula at 1:30, and then texted her to come over shortly thereafter. When she arrived, my contractions were still 3 minutes apart, but only 30 seconds in duration. (I couldn't believe they needed to be longer... They were already so intense.) We tried using a yoga block, a yoga ball, the bed, etc. to keep me moving. Meanwhile, the dogs (especially Cash), spent their time checking-in on their momma..
At 6:45 a.m. we left for the hospital, and I had two pretty intense contractions on my way there. I was certain she was going to be coming into the world by 12 p.m. (now the 24th). We arrived and I made my way to the New Life Center, where they needed me to sign papers... I was a bit frustrated as I squated my way through a contraction, but shortly thereafter they confirmed my water did break and that I was indeed in labor. (No kidding.) But, I was only 1 c.m. dilated. I couldn't believe it. Neither could Steven or Carri.
We spent the next 6.5 hours laboring naturally.. in the tub, in the halls, on the yoga ball, etc. My contractions were tracking so intense we were certain I was progressing. Steven was absolutely amazing through the entire experience. It makes me cry just thinking about how soothing and supportive he was.. always helping me to breathe, hold my hand, rub my back, etc. At 1:30 p.m., I was nearing exhaustion. At this point, I had labored for nearly 15 hours.. but when the doc checked me I was only 3 c.m. dilated. I was a bit devastated... and decided to take an epidural. I was given one that let me monitor how much I took (and looking back I should have taken more.. get to that in a minute!), which was nice. I didn't want to be numb. I just needed some rest or I was never going to be able to push. Over the next five hours I progressed (with the help of pitocin- yes, my birth plan at this point had been modified!) and by 6 p.m. I was ready to push. I HAD NO IDEA PUSHING WAS SO PAINFUL OR HARD! At this point, my epidural had warn off completely. (Which the doc had wanted so that I could feel where to push, etc.) Again, Steven was my rock, and my support, encouraging me even though he had no idea how long I'd be pushing. They kept telling me they could see her hair (which made me think she was almost here), but then she'd move back again. At 9:21 pm., after 3 hours of pushing. Miss Sena Luren made her way into the world. When the nurse announced the time I first thought they were giving me her birth weight. (Which of course doesn't make any sense- I was a bit delirious!) She was 22 3/4 inches long and 7 lbs. 14 oz. and absolutely beautiful. Steven helped her through the last bit of her journey into the world, cut her cord, and then handed her to me. She had a beautiful head of hair and was absolutely perfect, healthy, and of course- changed our world from the moment we saw her.
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