Friday, June 26, 2009

Letter Month Fifteen

Dear Sena,
I could go on and on about how quickly you're becoming such a little person, about how fast each month seems to fly, and how wonderful- and sad- it is for me to see all of this, but we'll skip that for this month... or, at least I'll try.

Your most significant milestone this month is your determination to speak. You try to repeat nearly everything you can. You're quite adept at "no, no" but I'm pretty sure I got a "yes" out of you, with special emphasis on the SSSSS. What a fun sound, right? (Your name is even more fun/funny for you these days, too.) A few other words:
night, night (sounds like "na, na", which, yes, sounds quite different from "no, no")
avo (for avocado)

Some days it seems you're pretty convinced that you're two- and that it is perfectly acceptable to throw a tantrum when mama doesn't get it just right. I've tried to explain to you that you're not even 1 1/2, but it doesn't seem to matter. I promise, I'm trying to understand, and I promise that I'll probably not understand for quite some time- and will revert back to my non-understanding, utter-disbelief, when you're 13 and tell me you want to go on a date. (Thankfully, your father has already announced that you can date at 13, as long as your date him.)

As usual, when your papa and I find anything that makes you laugh, smile, or look at us with amusement, we continue to do it until either, a)We fall over out of exhaustion or B) You finally look at us with a look of amazement that we're STILL doing said thing, like, duh, that was so two seconds ago mom.

You've been having a lot of fun with friends lately. You especially love Juli (Ju Je is how you say her name), and Will (and love when he shares his snack with you, I'm not sure you've done the same, however). You seem to watch Sara in awe most of the time. She seems like such a big girl. But, I promise love, that pretty soon you'll be just as fast as she is. In the meantime, can we just sit for a little while? Maybe cuddle? Read a book? Or practice saying, "I love you mama"? Okay, maybe that's a little advanced. I'd take a kiss instead. No?


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A few more Father's Day pictures

Father's Day Picnic

I'm so glad that Juli had the idea for a Father's Day picnic this year, and I'm hoping we can make it an annual tradition. We met up with some of our closest friends at Chatauqua Park (at the base of the Flatirons in Boulder) and braved the bad weather (which- typical Colorado- only lasted 15 minutes), and was totally worth it as the weather afterward was nothing short of stunning. We ate, watched the kiddos play, tried to get all the kiddos into one picture, and otherwise tried to celebrate some wonderful papas. Unfortunately, my papa wasn't there... but word on the street is that he might be sometime in the future!

Sunny Days

Before I wrote the letter to Sena for month 15 (Can you believe it? I can't!), I thought I'd post a few pictures of the last few weeks. We've had a lot of fun taking Sena out and exploring—going to the park and festivals with friends, swimming with grandma and grandpa, hiking, and just enjoying the beautiful Colorado days.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Goodbye, Goodbye

Some mornings are just hard. This morning, papa left for the second day in a row for his new job in Golden. Sena was eating breakfast and gave him a kiss goodbye. (Which is a great start, considering she frequently denies such requests.) He walked out the door, and closed it behind him. And, then I looked at my beautiful daughter as her lips started to pucker and her eyes glossed over with worry. My heart nearly broke.. I did my best to tell her he'd be back, but how is she going to understand that at 15 months? For all she knows, he could walk back in in 2 minutes or 2 days. He did walk back in just moments later, having forgot something. And, this time after he left she seemed fine. Maybe that's the trick... saying two goodbyes each morning.