Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Letter Month Eighteen

Dear Sena,
I'm trying to gather my thoughts, and you, my little actress, are saying your "good nights" in your room (into the monitor). "Night night, papa". "Night night, mama". "And, next I'd like to thank everyone who helped me achieve this Oscar.. especially my mama."

No, seriously. You've become quite the actress. Whenever you think you've done something stellar, you clap your hands, and look around. Why isn't everyone clapping? And, until everyone is- you continue to look with amazement. "Aren't you in awe with me?" Love, we are. Don't worry.

You've picked up some new dance moves, too. I'm hoping to post a video here shortly so everyone can see, but this past weekend at Marissa's wedding in Santa Fe, you stepped out onto the empty dance floor, bent your knees and shook your bootie. Yep, you do the bootie dance. And unlike the "shoulder dance", I have no idea where you got this one. (The shoulder dance is COMPLETELY your father.)

Last weekend we took you to Santa Fe. Yes, we forced you into 12 hours in the car, spread over three days, during which you took a total of 2 20-minute naps. You don't like sleeping in the car, which is mostly my fault, since I never want you to sleep in the car and instead sing annoying songs and poke your feet to keep you awake. No wonder you were looking at me crazy when I tried to sing you to sleep half-way to New Mexico. (And the time you did fall asleep you were eating a snack... while sleeping you went back to eating, which eventually woke you up. Hmm.. eating.. sleeping.. Eating wins every time.)

I though you had enough avocado in New Mexico to last you a lifetime, but over the last two days every time I ask you what you want (for lunch, dinner, your 10th snack of the day), your answer is always the same- ava. Papa pointed out that it is probably good that I didn't name you Ava. (The name was on my list- but not your father's.)

Your vocabulary is amazing. You try to repeat everything (even trying "Mexico"). You said pinecone yesterday at the park. This should be a BIG SIGN TO YOUR PARENTS that they need to watch their language, but we're a bit slow. So, sorry Grandma & Grandpa if your precious grandaughter says a cuss word. We will take the blame for that. (Although Grandpa Thomas did teach you DUMP. Seems like a really necessary word to know!)

You've started swim lessons again and love the pool. You get incredibly still when floating on your back, as if you're in a dream. I want to catch it on camera, because it is the most serene, and peaceful moment—I do wonder what you're thinking. Is it "if I lie really still mama will let me up?" Or, "if I lie really still everyone stops talking?"!

One last anecdote for the month. Mama took you to a playgroup this week: there were 4 boys, and 2 girls (Thanks Natalie!) And love, you are such a girl. Next to these guys you look so dainty, so precious, so "don't push her over or I'll punch you" that I just want to eat you up.

I can't believe you're 1 1/2 honey. I can't believe how quickly the time passes, but I must say, you bring so much joy to your father and me. So, now it's time for my thank you's.. "thank you Sena..."


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