Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Letter Month 21

Dear Sena,
This past month has been a whirlwind of activity from making, buying and wrapping gifts to eating and unwrapping them. I am looking forward to the day when you want to unwrap your own gifts; it just somehow feels a little strange to unwrap the very gifts I wrapped for you myself.

Your favorite holiday gifts this year (not in any order): your table from Grandma & Grandpa Williams, your kitchen from Santa, and your purse from Grandma & Grandpa Montana. (I told you it would stick.) When you first opened the purse I figured you'd know what to do with the phone and keys, but you grabbed the lipstick and immediately started putting it on your lips. (Thank goodness there wasn't really anything in there.) I don't wear lipstick, and really no other women you know do. So, how did you know how to put it on so well???

You love sorting your groceries and making mama and papa coffee and tea. You also like to load our plates up with fruits and vegetables, serving us, until you find some other toy that takes your attention away.

But your biggest accomplishments this month are not your affinity for cleaning your kitchen or you natural talent at lipstick application; again, like the last few months, it is your vocabulary. You quickly remind me of the fact that you're much closer to two than you are two one with the amount of words—and the comprehension—you have. And, you're spelling to boot. You can spell your name as well as papa, mama, Elmo, and babu (your pink bear). And you're trying to spell grandma everyday. Sentences are common place, and you can easily repeat nearly everything we say, so our guards are officially up on our language usage as well. You've also started using the filler of "um," which means either your papa or me uses it on a frequent enough basis that you've not only learned the word but also the usage.
Me: Sena, what would you like for snack?
You: "Ummm." Pause. "Cheese! Bunny Crackers! No eggs."
Me: Okay. So, cheese and crackers?
You: Eggs and milk. Please.
Me: ???

Sena, your papa and I are so amazed at everything that you do and how you comprehend the world around you. We love seeing what you gravitate toward, and what you're not so interested in learning... and are so excited to see what the New Year has to offer. Aside from our fear of the terrible twos.. but you'll skip that stage, right?
You: Umm..


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