Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Letter Month 22

Dear Sena,

I'm sorry honey that this is so late. Time just seems to fly by, especially when you're so busy that when I get a moment of downtime I don't even know what to do with myself.

So, this month is going to be more of a pictorial of the last month. You've had a very fun month, getting your first big girl haircut... which didn't go badly at all. You were pretty excited to drive the car (although from these pictures you can't tell), and hardly noticed you were getting your hair cut. You didn't really make a big deal of it until we got home and you started shaking your head side to side, feeling your hair hit your face. You thought that was pretty cool.

You've really been amping up your vocabulary to the point where you're generally saying complete sentences.. and really SPEAKING your mind. The funny thing is that your expanding vocabulary has made it quite obvious the words your father and I say on a regular basis, including (from me): seriously? really? Yes, you now say these two words quite often- not really in context however. "Really" means "double yes" to you.. which is quite comical.
You: Go outside and play in rocks.
Me: It's too cold.
You: Really. Go outside.
Me: Really? It's too cold!

Two has come early in our household, but we're doing our best to embrace it. We love you honey.

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