Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Letter to Noa Month 5

Dear Noa,
Whoops! I guess we missed month 4 somehow.. but I seem to remember the month starting out with you nearly sleeping thru the night and ending with you definitely not ; ) But, honestly I'm not sure what happened last month to make it go by so fast. Everyone says that your second child grows up even faster than the first, which is hard to believe but oh so true, and oh-so-sad. I don't want you to grow any faster, especially knowing (or at least mostly knowing) that you're our last baby.. you don't need to grow so quickly honey.

I know you're ready to chase your sister and play with her. Your delight each time you see Sena brings me such joy. Sena has no idea what kind of trouble you'll cause one day when her toys go missing, but for the time being you can each just eye each other and everyone can stay in harmony.

You've learned to roll.. from back to front... which isn't usually the case. And you don't do it that often. You are drooling a lot, but no teeth have appeared, and you really show very little interest in learning to sit. I think standing seems much better to you since that brings you closer to Sena's level.

You are such a happy little girl. I have to apologize that I thought you had colic a few months back. Those were the hormones talking honey. Some day you'll understand. Sigh.

Love you,

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