I'm not sure how you came to be seven months old already. But here you are. Eating up a storm, smiling, and showing more and more personality every day.
Fall is officially here, and we've been able to get out and enjoy the fall colors. You seem to find your walks a bit more entertaining these days; I'm sure you like my narration of everything that's going on, too. (I can see it already, "Mom, I see the birds myself. You don't have to tell me every detail as if I wasn't here!") Since the weather has turned a bit cooler, we've pulled out your "winter" wear. Please note: Although all of your coats have little ears on them we did not do this on purpose. It truly is just a marketing ploy.
These photos were taken in our backyard...
Oh, joyous food. After only a few weeks of uncertainty, you seem to have adapted to your new job—eating solids—quite well. Favorites? Peaches for sure. Unfortunately, I only made you a few peaches from our farm share this year (yes, as bad parents we ate the rest), and am now scrambling to figure out how to get you organic peaches (not from Mexico) in the middle of the winter. Hmm. Otherwise, you like sweet potatoes, squash, pears, and even tofu! Over the next month, we're hoping to introduce you to peas, carrots (again), potatoes, and yogurt. You're absolutely hilarious when it comes time to eat. For the most part you're very serious about eating.. not allowing whomever is feeding you a moment to pause between bites or you're "eh,eh,eh-ing" at us, which we've come to assume means "more, please." We're trying sign language with you, but I'm not sure that I'm teaching you much other than how to make a bigger mess with your hands after they're full of pureed food.
Grandma Sheree bought you a Cowboy's cheerleader outfit (size 12 months), that you're already fitting in quite nicely, so you've been wearing it on Sunday's while you watch football with papa and grandpa. (This is the only day we allow t.v.- we have our limits!)
You love to dance, or to watch us dance in front of you. Oh, how I wish I could know what you were thinking. It cracks me up to think that right now our dancing is the funniest thing in the world, but in just a few years it will be cause for hiding your face in your hands. Oh, parents.
You've been playing with your friends Will, Tristan, William, Natalie, and Reed every week or so, and see Will quite often as his mommy, Juli and me try to find every opportunity we can to get out of the house and explore with you two in tow. The picture here was after an afternoon of shopping with Juli and mama. I think we may have shopped too long; you and Will just konked out on the way home.
Finally, we've pulled out the pack n'play for you to play in while we try to make dinner, go to the bathroom, blow our noses, etc. We figure that its better to try this now than when you're older and really think we're putting you in jail. Thus far, no attempts to break out. In fact, you seem to think it's pretty funny being in there. You're always so delighted when we pop our faces above you. "Ahh, there you are!" I love this photo. You've got bedhead and such attitude. We love you.
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