Afterward, we looked at the clock and figured that she'd probably end up taking her nap en route home, so since we were going to be in the car anyway, why not take a trip up into the mountains to see the Aspen's changing colors? Great idea- right? She napped pretty much until we got to the top of the peak and then woke up. Temporarily, she was happy, and then it became quite evident that it was time to, uhh, grunt her way through a bowel movement. Hoping it would stay contained (and feeling lazy), we decided to take a different route and start heading home. About five minutes on this new road, Sena began to really let us know she wasn't happy- it was either her diaper, or her growling belly- but she was saying 'ENOUGH ALREADY MAMA AND PAPA. STOP THE $#$% CAR!' Well, at this point we got stopped alright- by a train passing, which gave me time to check her out, and her tights were barely containing her lovely poo. As soon as we could, we pulled over. Where were we? Not sure. Signs everywhere said, "No dumping," though. Ironic. Steven climbed into the backseat and proclaimed, "Shit!" And, I said, "What?" And, he replied, "There's shit everywhere!" And, sure enough it was down her back, over her leg, and on Steven. It took us awhile, but we finally figured out where to change her in the car- in the front seat. (Yes, she's six months old and has never to my recollection been changed in the car.) But, this plan quickly backfired as our seats are slightly bucket-style, and she kept rolling toward the back, which just happened to be toward the poo. At this point, we're laughing, and Sena is looking at us like, "Seriously? You guys are this slow?" She never cried, just let us take our stupid time while she was probably freezing a bit in the alpine weather.
After finally getting her changed, I moved to the back to feed her and Steven moved to the front. When Sena was finished and she realized her papa was in the front seat, she was pretty pleased...
oh my gosh, that is a hilarious scene to picture in my head! great new photos!!
Ahhh. That is funny. I think every parent has had an experience something like least you actully had the diaper bag.
The no-dumping sign gave me big giggles!!
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