Thursday, August 20, 2009

5 Year Countdown

Today is our anniversary! We've been married five years, but together since about 1998. (Long story...)
So, as a tribute:
Year one: Married- moved to Portland, Oregon. Buy a dog. Decide Oregon was too rainy, or hot. Can't decide. Need to move again. Bought a house just before year 2.
Year two: Pack up car for second time in 9 months and move to Colorado. Steven gets a new job. We buy another dog. Time to dismantle new house. Install new kitchen, new bathroom and new bedroom. Need a hobby. Buy two cruiser bikes.
Year three: Steven quits his job to go back to school, just before we find out we're preggers with Sena. Time to renovate again. Move office for third time since living in house.
Year four: Sena is born. Can't remember much of the rest of the year.
Year five: Happy family.. Steven graduates.. Gets new job... We celebrate our fifth anniversary by buying our first new car. A bright, shiny silver one. Just checked and silver isn't until our 25th anniversary. Year five is wood.
Happy Anniversary Honey!

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