Monday, July 18, 2011

On the Move

For those of you who didn't know Sena as a baby.. she didn't really ever crawl. We tried everything to encourage her to move, but she really wasn't interested. It wasn't until around 13 months old that she really started moving. Her sister on the other hand started crawling at 8 1/2 months and is now so proficient that she can get around the house at warp speed, meaning mama can hardly get started on anything without having to go find her daughter with her hand in the water bowl, with a clump of dog hair stuck to her lip, or playing with the vents. We have toys all over this house, but none of them peak her interest for longer than a few minutes.

The funny thing is that Steven and I are so enthralled by her crawling because Sena never really did it. By the time Sena was moving she was able to communicate (or at least that's how we remember it).. So watching Noa as she squeals with delight when she gets to her goal and then claps for herself, makes us smile too. Now, if I could just figure out how to make dinner.

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