Friday, September 9, 2011

Letter to Noa Month 11

Dear Noa, The last few months have flown by. I can hardly believe that your birthday is around the corner. Where did the last year go? It doesn't seem possible that last year I was oh-so-pregnant at this time, wondering when you were going to arrive. And when you did.. you were ready to go! We just returned from your first trip- at least via airplane. We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Montana. As per usual, on the plane your sister was the one relaxing, lying on papa's lap, while you- my mobile, on-the-go girl couldn't be still and didn't want to be contained (and it was your nap time). You stayed happy most of the flight and only at the very end started tossing your snack on the floor. I apologized to the stewardess, who just gave me a faint smile... You were an awesome traveler otherwise. You adapted to the modified schedule so easily, to the pack and play, and smiled at all of the new faces. It gives me encouragement for our flight to Asheville in December. Although I'm not sure what we'll do on the plane to keep you entertained! Although you are only 11-months-old, you're ready to be a big girl. You're trying to feed yourself with a utensil, and want to play with anything that isn't technically a baby toy- focusing especially on whatever Sena is playing with. Sena is a good sport about it though.. and the two of you laugh when you look at each other. You have a similar laugh.. one that makes me smile with a joy I can't put into words. Milestones? You're waving now. And babbling... a lot. love you mama


Leslee Kane said...

So hard to believe your little one is almost 1! Time goes even faster the second time. I can't believe I haven't even met Sena. We must try to link up when I get home. Miss you......

Unknown said...

Hi Noa is now 8 and I am ten. I am her older sister, Sena. It's strange to read all my mom's old blog posts. I didn't know this existed!