Tuesday, February 19, 2008

7 Things A Preggo Can Hardly Do

So, I knew pregnancy would make some things more difficult, but here are the top 10 things that are nearly impossible to accomplish while toting around this belly:
1. Dishes- No, this isn't an excuse, and no I'm not getting out of doing them. But in order to lean over the sink and not have my belly compressed, I have to stand on my tip-toes.
2. Putting on pants. Bending over is no longer easy or very suave.
3. Walking the dogs. You'd think with my belly as an anchor, I'd be able to keep them back. Not so.
4. Shaving. I have NO idea what my bikini line looks like these days.
5. Getting up. For some reason, in this instance, my anchor works very well. (See above.)
6. Sitting at my desk. I have to sit much further away in order to accommodate my belly, which I'm sure is great for my wrists.
7. Checking out at the grocery store. No joke, the other day I found myself stuck between the counter to pay and my own grocery cart. Bag boy got a huge laugh.

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