Monday, February 18, 2008

Like a Furnace

Everyone says that when you're pregnant, your body temperature rises. But as someone who is typically cold, this extreme temperature shift is a bit foreign. Although it is February and only about 40 for a high each day, I was tempted to turn the air-conditioning on during my Saturday prenatal yoga class. (And truth be told, I tried, but I couldn't get it work.) My students and I were all discussing that the class temperature would be perfect in a bikini- or as one gal suggested- nude! Last night, I could have slept without any covers, while Steven was checking the thermostat to make sure the heat was on (and he slept with a long-sleeved shirt on, too). What the heck? Apparently with pregnancy, there is no middle ground.

On a good note, doc says everything looks good. We'll find out in two weeks if she's head down.

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